David Au is a professional Town planner, Architectural Conservationist, Landscape Architect and Project Manager. David worked in the Government and then Urban Renewal Authority for over 30 years. David started his own Consultancy Company in 2015 and is currently fulltime overseeing the implementation of a 15-village-house restoration project in Lai Chi Wo in NE New Territories for Architectural and Cultural conservation. He is also teaching part-time in CUHK on Urban Regeneration and Architectural Conservation. He is a Trustee and Development Committee member of Chung Chi College of CUHK since 2015. He served the HKIP council from 2001 – 2003 and the Membership Board of HKIP since 2013. He is a Judge of the annual Hong Kong Flower Show since 2007.
Selected publications, public talks (recent) and award
-David Au, Kelvin Leong, Anna Sung, Claire Blanchard (2020). Co-author – “A review of the trend of microlearning” in Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning Journal, (under editorial/ peer review) Aug 2020
-Radio talk shows – Metro radio on Hakka Culture and Architectural conservation of Hakka Village - 新城知訊台《世界隨意門 - 小嘴巴大世界》「客家文化」, May 2020
-Heung Yee Kuk seminar with environmental organizations on countryside conservation experience at Lai Chi Wo area, Apr 2019
-Radio talk show (RTHK1) –講東講西 - 城市美學 (從綠化開始) (How to do a better urban design with more greenery) Mar 2019
-Medical museum conservation talk - 荔枝窩生態及歷史村落保育 (Conservation and revitalization of the culture of a remote village, Lai Chi Wo), Mar 2019
-Presentation on “Old buildings, New lives – Heritage Conservation and Urban Renewal”, China Annual National Planning conference, Guìyáng, China, 2015
-Presentation on “Urban Renewal Planning”, China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute Shenzhen Branch and HKIP seminar, 2014
-David Au (2008), presentation and publication of a paper - “Managing the impact on living heritage resources of changing concept of social and political values – the tale of Wan Chai and Kwun Tong”, 11th World conference of Historical Cities, Konya, Turkey, 2008
-“Mallory Street Project for Conservation and Revitalization” - Hong Kong Institute of Planners Award 2005
-David Au (2000). Co-author “Mixed Use Open Space – Getting the Best from Urban Renewal”, HKIP journal Vol 16, 1, 2000
-David Au (1996). “Landscape Planning in Hong Kong”, 8th International Federation of Landscape Architect Eastern Regional conference 1996
-David Au (1995). “A Review of Urban Green Space (Open Space and Amenity Area) Planning in Hong Kong”, HKIP journal Vol 11, 1, 1995