Expertise & Research Interests
Architectural Design, Urbanism, Construction & Technology
Courses to Teach (23-24)
Architectural Design and Sustainability II
Professional Practice I
Holistic Approach in Sustainability
Professor CHU, Hoi Shan Paul
Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering
B.A. (Arch. Stud.) (Hons) (HKU)
M.Arch. (Dist.) (HKU)
M.Sc. (Arch. & Urban Design) (Columbia University)
PRC Class 1 Registered Architect
HK Registered Architect
Paul CHU Hoi Shan is currently the Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering, and a professor in the Department of Architecture. His research interest includes informality and social aspects of contemporary urbanism. He holds M. Sc (Architecture and Urban Design) from Columbia University and was a graduate of B.A.(A.S.) (Hons) and M.Arch (Distinction) of HKU. He was Convener of Hong Kong Urban Design Alliance (HKIUD), a founding member of Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (HKIUD) and member of Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA). He is a Hong Kong Registered Architect and PRC Class 1 Registered Architect.
He was awarded Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar (New York), Contemporary Construction Expert of China, Hong Kong Young Architect Award, 20 for 21st Century Emerging Hong Kong Architect, Hong Kong 10 Outstanding Designers, champion in ‘In Search of Diversity in School Design’ amongst the other awards he obtained. He was contributing editor of ‘Factory Towns of South China- An Illustrated Guidebook’ (HKU Press, 2012) and ‘Villages in the City- A Guide of South China’s Informal Settlements’ (HKU Press and University of Hawai’i Press, 2014).
He served as a member of HKSAR Government Central Policy Unit to advise Government on public affairs and policy. He was a member of Appeal Panel (Housing) of Transport and Housing Bureau, Advisory Committee of Urban Renewal Authority and Architects Registration Board. He is currently an appointed member for the Advisory Committee on the Appearance of Bridges and Associated Structures (ACABAS) of Highways Department, Council for Sustainable Development of Environment Bureau and Antiquities Advisory Board of Antiquities and Monument Office.
He was Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Council Member of HKIA. He was an Official Delegate and Council Member at Architects Regional Council of Asia (ARCASIA) in 2013 and 2014.