Expertise & Research Interests

History of Hong Kong Architecture, History of Oriental Architecture, Modern Architecture, Oriental Art


Courses to Teach (24-25)

Architectural Design and Theory III
History of Chinese Architecture
Architectural Design and Sustainability II

Dr. LAI, Tung-Yiu Stan

Head, Department of Architecture

Associate Professor

B.A. (Arch. Stud.) (Hons) (HKU)
M.Arch. (HKU)
Ph.D. (HKU)

HK Registered Architect

Tung-Yiu Stan LAI completed his Ph.D. at the University of Hong Kong. He is a specialist in urban morphology of historic market towns and buildings. His teaching focuses on sustainable design in urban environment, modern architectural theories, and the history of Chinese and Hong Kong architecture. His research interests cover various architectural types ranging from walled villages, cha-chaan-teng (Hong Kong-style cafes), shopping malls, cinemas, to multilevel transportation systems.

Dr. Lai has frequently been invited by universities, NGOs, museums, radio channels, and various high-profile institutions around the world to present his research. He has been a guest speaker or critic at many universities worldwide, including the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA), Tamkang University (Taiwan), and Shantou University (China). He has authored a broad body of academic papers on topics like “The Rise of Tall Podia and Megamalls”, etc.

Apart from his academic activities, Dr. Lai is active in public services promoting Hong Kong architecture and cultural heritage. He is a founding Executive Committee Member (Academic) of the Association for Conservation of Hong Kong Indigenous Languages. In 2007-2010, he served as the Chairman of “100-year of Hong Kong Architecture Committee” of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects.


Selected Publications:

- 黎東耀(2017-2018)。《建築意》文章系列,立場新聞。
- LAI Tung-Yiu Stan (2016). “The Rise of Tall Podia and Megamalls”, in Mall City: Hong Kong’s Dreamworlds of Consumption, edited by Stefan Al, Hong Kong: University of Hawai’i Press, and University of Hong Kong Press.
- LAI Tung-Yiu Stan (2014). “Extended Kinship and Townscape: A Morphological Study on Wuyi Rural Markets During the Republican Era”, Ph.D. Dissertation, the University of Hong Kong.
- LAI Tung-Yiu Stan (2014). “From Resistance to Participation: Clanship and Urban Modernization in the Wuyi Rural Market Towns During the Republican Era” (co-author, with Wang Weijen), in The IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities, Volume II, Issue I (Fall 2014).
- LAI Tung-Yiu Stan (2013). “The Architectural and Urban Transformation of Yau Ma Tei Wholesale Fruit Market”, in Yau Ma Tei Wholesale Fruit Market’s 100th Anniversary Commemorative Book.
- LAI Tung-Yiu Stan (2011). “Eisenstein and Moving Street: From Filmic Montage to Architectural Space”, in Design Principles & Practices: An International Journal, Volume 4, Number 6.
- LAI Tung-Yiu Stan, (2009). “Social and Religious Space: The Central Axis of Nga Tsin Wai Village”, in Sustainability and Urban Regeneration: Case Studies and Lessons Learned (ICONUS 08), ed. Lau SYS. Hong Kong: HKCT.