Expertise & Research Interests
Building Information Modelling
Courses to Teach (23-24)
Holistic Approach in Sustainability
Mr. FUNG, David
Assistant Professor
B.Arch. (UNSW)
M.Project Management (UNSW)
HK Registered Architect
David Fung has over 25 years of architectural experience in Australia and Hong Kong since graduating from University 1993. After obtaining his HKIA and RAIA, and whilst working in Sydney Australia as an architect, he also completed his Master degree in Project Management.
He has been using Building Information Modelling technology for 20 years and applied this state-of-the-art technology into the building design, documentation and co-ordination, construction and facility management, establishing the most efficient way of working practices. He is the Immediate Past Chairman of Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling (HKIBIM, formed 2008) promoting BIM in Hong Kong. He was a member of HKSAR Government’s CAD Standard for Works Projects (CSWP) Working Committee, HKIA’s I.T. Committee, HKIA's Board of Practices and the past Chairman of the Autodesk’s Industry Advisory Board. He awarded the BIMer of the Year in 2014 as organized by Hong Kong Construction Industry Council, which is the highest honour in the area.
He teaches BIM technology in different universities in Hong Kong, China and overseas, such as HKU, CU, PolyU, HKUSPACE, Chu Hai College, Tianjin, Wuhan and TsingHua University for over 10 years. He led internal BIM training to architects and designers in his practice. He was also speaker for numerous BIM forums and conferences to different professional institutions in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Beijing, Guangzhou, Tokyo and Seoul.
Currently he leads BIM Management courses, and other professional BIM courses in Construction Industry Council, Housing Department and ArchSD. He also leads all commercial BIM courses in BIM Studio in architecture, statutory submission, structural and also MEP area, which is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. The BIM teaching, ties in with the BIM Examination Syllabus as proposed by HKIBIM.
He leads overseas BIM Management and professional courses in small, medium and large professional consultancy enterprises.
He did have extensive experience with regard to BIM standard. He was the leader of the published Project Specifications from HKIBIM, helping owners to specify the BIM projects. While his time with MTRC, he has established the MTRC BIM standard which formed the requirements for different MTRC BIM contracts currently undergoing in the industry. Also, he participates in forming two of China’s BIM standards – Material and Element Coding, and the BIM Project Delivery Standard, which are already finally drafted, and to be approved and implemented in 2015. He is currently working on the different BIM statutory submission standards for Housing Department, Architectural Services Department and Buildings Department.
He led the BIM Standards for General Building Plan Submission for CIC which facilitates the BIM statutory submission in Hong Kong. He is currently a member of China BIM Expert Committee for International BIM Standard for ISO/TC59/SC13 and TC10/SC8.