Expertise & Research Interests

Urban Sketching, Freehand Drawings, Digital Drawing, Construction Technologies


Courses to Teach (23-24)

Advanced Digital Architectural Design

Mr. WONG, Kai Chung Alvin

Senior Lecturer

Bachelor of Architecture (California State Polytechnic University-Pomona)

Alvin Wong is the co-founder of Urban Sketchers Hong Kong, and a board member of the International Urban Sketchers. He received his Bachelor of Architecture from Calpoly University Pomona. He worked at GFA Architects in Los Angles before he joined Wong Tung and Partners Architects in Hong Kong. He was the project manager of a local developer and later had his own practice in interior design, graphics design and project management, his practice spanned from USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau to varies cities of China.

With the influence from his early practice in the States, he never stops using the traditional freehand and rendering techniques and has evolved into distinct sketching style. Since 2015, he has been having his solo and joint exhibition of his urban sketching works in overseas and locally. Alvin has been teaching in HKU Space and providing workshops for different societies and concurrently leading the local and Asian sketchers to endeavor in urban sketching.

Alvin likes to test with different presentation techniques by using diverse tools and make use of different software and mixed platform. Currently, he is the deputy director and the head of R&D of a local main contractor, his works are focusing on innovation construction methods, and he is active in Hong Kong construction industry.